Yay - the NaNoWriMo Calendar word widget is working again. And look at all those colors in mine.
Current word count is 36,983. Which means I wrote, what, about 150 words today.
That's okay. I got enough sleep. I went to acupuncture. I had another personal appointment. And I came to work - grading student journals on my breaks here and there. Which means I accomplished a lot today - except for writing.
Tomorrow is the first day in a while that I get to sleep in until I wake up on my own. No alarm clock. Nowhere to be until work at 7:30 pm. And no cooking! My partner and I bought a Thanksgiving dinner from New Seasons - completely cooked. Just reheat and eat. So it's an easy day.
And I hope tomorrow will be a productive day writing. I might try to whip out 1000 words or so after I get home from work and before I go to bed. We'll see what I feel like when I get home.
But, for now, I have a little orange square meaning I made an effort, but no dice on progress. *Smile.*
I wouldn't want it all green, right? That would be boring!