Sunday, November 6, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day Six

Okay. Now it's happened. Which means I can let go of it and move on.

I did not write a single word today.

No, I don't really want to talk about it. But I will, just a bit. Because it is NaNoWriMo time and we get to write whole novels of at least 50k in 30 days and we get to look at our process and see how to break our own barriers and how to accomplish what seems kind of impossible. And we get to "process" how it's going, what's working or not working, tips and hints and tricks, share prompts, have word wars and such.

So - today I wrote nothing. One big fear of NaNoWriMo. Because that puts us behind by - oh, about 1,667 words. I'm lucky that my very full day yesterday had some down time and I scratched out bits here and there and did come out with a total for the day of about 2831. Which was all by hand. And which isn't in the computer yet.

So, lucky that I wrote out 2831 yesterday, which brought me to 9972 - which leaves me only about 34 words behind instead of 1,667. But I have no cushion now.

And it's okay. And I have a -0- day on my NaNoWriMo daily word count. And I survived.

See, yesterday was very long. I was very tired after the hour drive home. We had company - which was awesome, I love them, I hadn't seen them for a while, and I hung around with them until they left. Then I remembered a few work emails I had to do and soon - it was 2:30 in the morning and I was going to bed.

Okay. I still had the handwritten notes. I planned to sleep 8 or 9 hours (I'm still recovering from the  health situation a month ago -- doing so much better, but energy not fully restored and still get tired more than normal and winded a little more than normal - and need more sleep than I was getting; sigh) and then maybe swim for a bit and write new material on my NaNoNovel after that.

But I woke up with a swollen eyeball. No more details to share other than it was uncomfortable and a little scary and really, really frustrating. No way I could go in the pool with that (even if they let me slip in, the goggles would irritate it and I couldn't let it get exposed to the pool water -- and although I don't think it's an infection, I wouldn't run that risk for others). And I was still a little tired and cranky and there were student emails and a couple of work emails which needed a response. My partner brought me some coffee and Dave's Killer Bread toast with peanut butter and sliced Honey Crisp apple. We talked; I groused.

Then it was 1:35 and I had to get ready to get to work and put in a load of laundry and - get to work.

And more student emails.

And now it's nearly midnight of the sixth day of NaNoWriMo and I wrote nothing today. Except emails.

I suppose I could do some slight modifications on the emails and make them fit into the novel (change the names and the specifics so it's anonymous) and have one of my characters become a teacher. One of them doesn't have a profession yet and needs one - that could happen. I mean, I wrote the emails during NaNoWriMo. It could happen.

So maybe I'm not without words today. We'll see. Maybe. Just maybe.

But for now, I'm marking down a great big -0- for today. And an ending word count of 9972; again.
