Detour: free workshop for poets
a free workshop with Dan Raphael
December 10, 2011 1-3:30pm
Multnomah Arts Center (7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland)
Registration is by phone (302-823-ARTS), in person, or on-line if you have an account with Portland Parks .
Course # 366187
Do you wish that you could read your poems with less fear and mumbling, more energy and applause? Poets tend to be quiet observers, but the words you write can show you how to say them. This free one-day workshop will focus on strategies for performing your work, providing tools, tricks, and perspectives. We'll explore several presentation styles, and consider ways to use your "outside" voice, engage the audience, and work in a variety of environments. Bring another poet's poem you like, and a couple of your own; be ready to move around a little, and to use a pen or pencil.