Friday, November 26, 2010

Razor's Edge for 11/26/10

I was working on putting together something along the theme of "Black Friday" for today. It's not an event I participate in and, while I understand that it's great fun for some and has even become a tradition, it's just not for me. For many reasons. But it seemed like a good topic for something to spur on creativity and could be fun.

As I was looking around, wondering what I wanted to do, my blog reader program updated and I received this fabulous performance piece via my friend - a dramaturg, writer, editor - Mead Hunter.


Today's theme is "Tis the Season Oddities and Extravaganzas"

I'm borrowing Mead's description of this piece, too, which you can see below the video.

Watch and listen to the video. I see a couple of great options for creative inspiration here: the music and/or the performers. Who are these guys and what do they do? Where do they come from? Where are they going? What do they do on Black Friday and why?

Give yourself 10 minutes to write and then set it aside.

Mysteries of the Macabre
from BlueDot Productions on Vimeo.

From Mead Hunter at BLOGORRHEA: Q.E.D.: this performance of Ligeti’s Mysteries of the Macabre, as performed by the fabulous Oregon-based new music ensemble Beta Collide, in a video produced by Yachats company BlueDot Productions. Consider this proof positive that new music doesn’t have to be a solemn affair.