Saturday, November 27, 2010

NaNoWriMo day 27

I didn't write much today. Just a tiny bit of editing, because I put an excerpt up on my NaNoAuthor webpage. Tomorrow I vow to write a bit more of the story. I don't think it's going to take as long to finish it as I thought, because I didn't know that one of my characters had already written a fable that revealed some otherwise secret information.

Those silly characters. They sure keep me on my toes. *smile*

But I do have a writing date set up with Jenny for Monday. We've both crossed the finish line - and I have more to write for the story to end; she may, too. And I have a writing date set up with Deb on Tuesday night.

Speaking of Deb - she will also cross this finish line. She is making great strides in her word count and is right on target. She did an amazing, heroic feat last year (something like 30k in a weekend!) - and, luckily, she won't have to put everything on hold this year.

So, Tuesday night, NaNoWriMo 2010 will come to a close. The three of us will have crossed that line with tens of thousands of others.

And we will keep on writing. Meeting and writing. And writing and submitting.

I will return to this novel after I finish the other two in progress (well, one novel and one memoir). This story has rambled in a few places, but I like the premise and I like a lot of what happened. Some things will probably be edited out - and some things definitely expanded on. There was some information that came out after about 35k that would be awesome to explore more - and I will.

Great NaNo! My word count sits at 50,416.