Tuesday, January 5, 2010

prompt and one Flash Fiction definition

From the Internet Writing Workshop, a definition offered for a flash fiction story:

"...A flash story must begin immediately and move quickly toward the end--no long descriptions, no unessential words. The goal is to present a single effect resulting from a single cause. The character(s) must experience and react to events, and the outcome must be swift. ..."

PROMPT: write a flash fiction story from one of the following. Decide whether to use a character sketch, a photo, or words; set a timer for 10 minutes, and write. ...
At the end of 10 minutes, take a break. When you come back, revise the story for 30-60 minutes. Then let it marinate overnight and check it in the morning. Repeat as necessary.

[character sketch] blue jeans with a hole in the left rear pocket, faded t-shirt with a scrawled A in a circle on it, blue headband, keen water sandals, safety yellow messenger bag.

photo from Zooborns
[words] Through the open window she saw...