This time I'm here for work at their state affiliate chapter conference. It is beautiful up here, with some snow already on the ground. And cold. And I'm sick. I was knocked down with an illness very late Tuesday night and ended up canceling all my appointments and even found a sub for my volunteer writing group on Wednesday. Today, I feel like I will get over this; yesterday on the plane to Anchorage, I felt like I was going to be sick forever. Flying and sinus stuffiness do not mix!
All in all, though, it is being a good experience. The people putting on the conference are very nice, well organized, and I feel comfortable with them. And the bed in the hotel is comfortable; I actually slept almost 9 hours last night!
Not getting much done in terms of writing ... but am getting a lot done in terms of resting. In the long run, that will be beneficial, as I will go into NaNoWriMo replenished, I hope.
Here is a picture of downtown Anchorage today from a webcam. Last spring it felt like early evening at 10:00 at night; today it felt like approaching dawn at 10 am. It's fun getting to see another side of the light/dark seasons. (Don't know if I need to see the dark nearly all day -- who knows!)