I mentioned that I was able to grab a spot in Ariel Gore's online two-week writing intensive. Daily assignments to write and post. And give feedback to some of the other writers - and get feedback. I discovered that I have an additional week between terms, so why not spend two of them writing? Bring writing to the forefront on a daily level.
After all, I spent November writing almost daily.
This will be different - there will be prompts. And a responsibility to others to get my writing done and get my feedback done. It will keep me on my writing toes.
Then in January I'm embarking on an adventure with Inga Muscio, a guest teacher in Ariel's Literary Kitchen online classroom. Inga's class, A Study in Decerebralization, promises to be an adventure in shaking up my writing and my process. I'm excited. Another challenge to step out of my wonderful and supportive comfort zone into something new.
I've accepted my personal challenge to step up my writing and go to new levels. And I think both of these new creative adventures will do that.