Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Transition Day

My work week is not yet done - but almost. One job location is done until Monday and tomorrow I don't have any work, other than some paperwork. But Thursday brings my final interpreted play for the 2012-13 season: "My Children! My Africa!" atProfile Theatre, 7:30p at 3430 SE Belmont in Portland. (Pssst: if you don't need the interpreted performance, you can still catch the play this weekend. It is worth seeing - well written, directed, and acted. It is the final play for Profile Theatre in the Theatre! Theater! space since their lease was not renewed; rumor has it it is becoming a tea storage space for the Tao of Tea? Profile Theatre will start their next season, with the plays of Sam Shephard, in January 2013 in their new home in shared space at Artists' Rep in SW Portland.)

After the play on Thursday night, I'm going to go for another late night float. It's been over a month and I'm ready for another float session. I also believe the float will get my physically ready for the weekend.

Then it's Friday! I will be heading to Port Townsend that day, where I will be attending a writing workshop with Lidia Yuknavitch. I read her memoir (Chronicles of Water) and listened to her at a one-day mini writing conference in January. Her workshop sound exciting, fun, and a little good-scary. I'm looking forward to the workshop in a location I've really only passed through and with an author I've never taken a workshop from before. New adventures!

I'm looking at my writing plan for after the theater season is done. I don't have another play until late August, so I'm hoping to devote some of that theatrical interpreting preparation time to writing instead. (Although I just about have plans completed for a third theatrical interpreting workshop for this summer. More on that as it develops. But it looks like I might have a theatrical workshop offering for mid/late July - it will be fun!)

So - this is a transition day. No work per se - a little work tomorrow - and then three days devoted to writing. Sounds like a plan to me!