Sunday, July 4, 2010


I arrived home yesterday afternoon from the 8-day rafting trip down the Grand Canyon. It was an amazing experience: incredible people (friends, new friends, guides, and swampers), scenery that makes one's mouth drop open, water and water and more water, layer upon layer of rock with the oldest dated at 1.8 billion years. And more. I'm still integrating it all and wondering how to incorporate the vastness of space and time and breath into my life here.

I will write more soon - but, for now, here is one picture of our descent into the lower Havasu pools. The two rafts are on the other side and down a little, tied tightly to the rocks because the pull-over place for the large rafts is in the lower end of a rapids. We climbed up and over and around the slabs and rocks and into the Havasu canyon. Then we had to wind through a trail over more rocks and sand, and then, as seen below, make a descent where it required sitting on our butts and sliding, letting our left foot catch on a small lump of a rock in the slick surface and find our footing with our right. Then climb and step over more boulders to get to where I am standing to take a picture. We went up further to what our guides called the "big kids' pools" - which were amazing. A few of our group hiked up another three or so miles into the heat of the canyon to another squat waterfall; I stayed with the majority of the group at the big pools. More on that later.

More on all of it later.

For now, enjoy the view!

Descent Into Havasu Canyon
by Dot Hearn