Saturday, April 13, 2013

Challenge : L is for Luck

Today L is for Luck.

It could also be for Lucky, but I think I like Luck better.

As in, "good luck," which is kinder and more authentic than simply calling someone "lucky." "Good Luck" implies that you mean them well and have good intentions.

No, I'll take that back, as well. Because a person can also say "Good Luck" with a sneer in his voice, with equal emphasis on both words, and in comes out as sarcastic, which is not positive and may not be said with good intention.

So maybe Language and/or Linguistics are other good words for today, as well. Yes, I think so.

And isn't it appropriate that I, as a writer and as a sign language interpreter, would say a few words about L
from Wikimedia Commons
being for Language and Linguistics. And Luck, as well. I hope as an interpreter that my preparation and skill would be more of a factor than just Luck. Although there were days when I was doing 100% freelance interpreting and it was the end of a busy week and I was tired that that I might wish for a little bit of Luck that a meeting would end thirty minutes early so I'd have time to take a break and write a poem or work on a short story between interpreting assignments.

Or as a writer I might sometimes wish for a bit of Luck as I sit down at the computer and turn it on - or wake it up is more accurate unless we're talking about meeting a friend for writing in a cafe or midnight:01 at the beginning of NaNoWriMo which is usually at a cafe or some other 24-
from Kwantlen Polytechnic University
hour location. Or I might even be getting out pen and paper to write; yes, it's true, sometimes I do write by hand. My point being that sometimes as a writer I hope that I have something to say, or that a character shows up, or that I can catch the story as it happens.

All very good L words and I'll take all three today.

L is for Luck and Language and Linguistics.