Monday, December 6, 2010

submissions: "Coming Out"

CFS: New LGBT Anthology ‘COMING OUT’
Gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender persons are invited to contribute stories from their crucial time of coming out, to be included in an anthology that will raise awareness of this deeply personal time of admitting sexual preference. Ideally stories could be 300 – 1500 words, maximum length is 3000 words. Some people may prefer a quote, an anecdote or a full story to share their journey – send them all in. If you have not come out yet and wish to share ‘why not’, also send your words in. Stories will need to be edited and can be anonymous if you wish. The book length is anticipated to be about 70,000 words. The aim is for a collaboration of truth and the emotional reaction of yourself, of family and friends during this time. For more information and to submit your story please contact