Yes, friends and friends of friends and the unsuspecting visitor who skips along to this page. It is November and that means NaNoWriMo.
And that means that I will probably be posting more here - and increased traffic over on Facebook and maybe even Twitter.
But, how? If I am writing a novel, shouldn't I be focused on that? Wouldn't it make sense that, since my writing is going toward the goal of 50,000+ words on the novel this month, that my other writing would be less? Why is it more?
Don't ask. I can't tell you. It just is.
I write more on the novel - a new novel. And I write more other places as well.
This year there is an added obstacle - well, two. I have two shows in November. Last year I had one. Before that I tried to avoid interpreting plays in November because my brain is busy with the novel writing and I don't want to confuse it with other words, or distract it with learning another story.
But last year there was a play I couldn't resist - and it was fine. This year there are two plays I couldn't resist. And I will be fine.
I've had to let some other things go on hold or do them at a decreased frequency to make this all happen. But happen it will. And I do have a writing retreat planned for later in the month - those catch up days, which I am pretty sure I will need.
I am going to write for about another 20 minutes, then I have to go home to bed. Because I work tomo- later today. And I need some sleep between now and then.
As of right now, my word count is 2065 words in 1 hour and 25 minutes. Not bad! I'm off to a good start.