Yesterday was Going To The Fair Day. Not officially, of course. A friend and I went down to Salem just to check it out, watch a couple of typical fair shows (the Cirque Zuma Zuma, and the Alaskan Pig Races and Hurdle Jumping),
It was a good day. It was a day I didn't work at ll.
When we'd had enough of the fair (somewhere around 7 hours later), we left. We drove back up to Portland to write for a while.
It was a good day - the not working and doing something just for fun. With a dollop of writing on top at the end of it all.
And now I get to attend a special Happy Hour event at an organization I respect madly for an event I adore. Yes, it's (non-writing) work-related, but it will be fun, too. And a good networking opportunity - practice for when I get my book published (no, not contracted, yet; pie in the sky dreaming!)