Saturday, May 19, 2018

Nearly There & Submitted

The Room update ; it is ninety percent completed. Still to do: (1) workspace desk organized (currently it still has piles and containers of like objects [paper clips, pushpins, pencils, pens, stones & significant pieces of flotsam, tools], organizer trays to sort and reorganize, etc); (2) the closet full of memories (literally! old journals, old pottery I made, silk scarf blanks, posters, and more); (3) hang the new curtains.

Here is the new rug. The things on the edges will be moved once it relaxes a bit. It had been tightly rolled up for who knows how long. So the chair and shredder and other things are holding down the edges. I know it doesn't look calming in the photo, but it is (to me) and it makes me happy.

Yesterday, I sent out a dystopian short story to a place I believe it fits. I hope they publish it. It is the same story I was going to submit to a contest a few days ago; but I'd overlooked that the midnight deadline was EST, which meant that I missed the deadline by an hour rather than submitting it with two hours left. So yesterday I did a lot of research and then a friend suggested a publication and, yes, I think this story fits there nicely. Will post another update when I find out. Either way, I'm happy to have that story out in the world.