Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Connections: a resource and a note

WOW (Women on Writing) has an awesome online issue related to connecting authors and agents. I have not yet perused all of the available information, but it includes items such as pitching your novel, editing, interviews, how to ___, and more. Click on the link to see what they have to offer.

And, speaking of connections, I have been in that stage myself. Connecting the Me who walked a half marathon and won NaNoWriMo simultaneously, with the Me who is an interpreter and interpreter educator, and a writer, and finally - I hope - getting rid of the last remnants of this head cold. Where do I go from here?

Well, let me tell you! I have already started the 2010 Cascade Lakes Relay team meetings and clinics. Last week I signed up for the first annual Portland HALF Marathon which will be on 10-10-10 (about time, folks! the half marathon has been missing from this otherwise great annual event - the Portland Marathon). Last week the Miss Fit Dragons dragon boat team had our first meeting; I will be the tiller, again. And I submitted a short story to a contest last week, as well.

I have also managed to get close to eight hours of sleep almost every night. I started with short walks this week and go back to personal training tomorrow morning. And I have final papers to grade for students in the class that just ended.

And yesterday I set up some writing dates with my friend, mentor, inspiration, and all around awesome writer, Jenny.

Connecting: me to me. Working out, walking and events, interpreting and teaching, and writing. When I complete the story of this year's NaNoNovel (I passed the 50,000 - but the story is not yet done), I am planning to return to complete a revision of last year's NaNoNovel. I was making good headway on the editing process for the 2008 novel, but was temporarily sidetracked by the 2009 novel. I think my style is to do the nanonovel and then let it sit for a while. It grows either better or worse with age; but it grows. If I look at it too quickly, I can't see as well what works or doesn't. I need time away from the story to be able to approach it fresh and ready to keep or toss as needed. Besides, I really like last year's novel and would love to see it published.