My total word count is now at 32,067. This has been a very productive three day weekend and I have written 11,751 more words in the rough draft of my novel.
The story is moving along now. A link between a couple of characters has just been introduced, although the characters involved don't know it yet. There is a link to another character, but that has not yet surfaced yet in the story. It will soon. And very soon, the next section, I think, the person who has disappeared will surface in an unexpected way.
I still don't know the outcome of this story or why all of this is happening. But, because of everything that came out in these past three days, I am confident I will make the 50,000 mark before November 30th and know that there is a conclusion coming. My goal is to actually have about 51,000 so there is room for discrepancy in word processing word count programs. So I have about 19,000 words left to discover the purpose of this story and, hopefully, bring it to conclusion.
Note to self (again): time away is a good thing for my creativity.