wabi sabi neighborhood photo, by serena and dexter

wabi sabi photo of beach house by serena

"I Keep My Word" by Serena Barton

Excerpt from a submission to The Sun. By Dot.
Funny Bone Meets Funny Brain This Sunday The last in our free panel
discussion series
"Dissecting Comedy" takes place this Sunday, May 24, at the WTC Theatre,
immediately following the matinee performance of "Fabuloso" (approximately 4pm).
As our season of comedy closes we've seen humor mined from adultery, grave
robbing, and poop throwing. It's a perfect time to ask "wait a minute, why was
that funny?" Our panel of experts, led by hilarious-in-her-own-right Victoria
Parker-Pohl, will take a metaphorical scalpel to comedy to find its giggling
heart. Please join us!
>I Went to Yael's Bat Mitzvah, and All I Got Was the Swine Flu
Wednesday, April 29, 7:00 pm: As Cheez and I,
newly arrived in New York City, emerge from Penn Station, he is reminded of
something he read years ago, about how coming to New York after a long absence
feels like you've just gotten out of in prison.
Saturday, May 9, 9:45 am: As Cheez and I lumber
through a subway tunnel on the way to meet some friends for brunch, I remark
that after ten days, being in New York feels like we're currently serving a term
in prison.
Lunacy Stageworks Presents:
Saturday May 16th, 8:00pm at the Sellwood Masonic Lodge
7126 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, OR / $3 cover at the door
Read a Poem
Tell a Story
Come in Costume
Come as you are
An ASIFA Night of Clowns & Owls
With Misha Klein and Dan Ackerman
Wed. May 13th,
7pm-9pm @ Studio 13
13 NW 13th Ave.
Admission is FREE for card-carrying members
$3 for non-membersOwl Pals, directed by Dan Ackerman
"Our evening host, Dan Ackerman, Director of Photography, will present his latest stop-motion project, Owl Pals, a promotional trailer based on the children's book illustrations of Luba Goninda. Dan will be on hand to talk about the rewards and challenges of directing this visually rich combination of original 3D characters, flat puppets and multi-plane camerawork, as well as show off some of the actual puppets and designs.Fred the Clown, created by Misha Klein (clip)
Coraline animator Misha Klein will also be showing a sneak preview of his brand new animated film, recently competed at Studio 13. A labor of love years in the making, this 7-minute vignette focuses on Fred the Clown's internal struggles and performance anxieties, above all with a palpable dread of his boss. Featuring spontaneous camera work, gorgeous sets and atmospheric lighting, Misha will be on hand to talk about his travels on the road to finishing this amazing film."
Not long ago, playwright Fin Kennedy brought a cool new scheme to my attention: the Adopt a Playwright Award, in which contributors can pool their resources to make sure at least one unsung new voice gets produced every year.
What I love about this concept is that it completely bypasses the galumphing machinery of the play selection process that is more standard – you know, the one in which a play is test-marketed as though it were a new brand of snack food. Fin elaborated on the strengths of the program yesterday on the Guardian’s TheatreBlog – thank you, Mme. Kollodi, for leading me to this.
Read all about it, and let’s talk about what it would take to launch this