I love being self-employed. Really.
The curse? Appointments cancel; often with adequate notice to not be billable but late enough that it will be hard to make up the lost income without scrambling my schedule.
The blessing? Appointments cancel; and I end up not having to drive that 34 round-trip miles. The canceled job time and the relief from driving time can be used for a variety of things. A nap, when needed. A workout or walk, depending on weather, location when the cancelation came in, if I am close to one of the three branches of my gym. A load of laundry. Working on the translation of a play. A surprise lunch with my partner (that requires both of us having a cancelation at the same time; rare).
Or, like today, time to write! Woo - for the month of November I will definitely be taking the cancelations as opportunities to write. (Note to the universe: I am not requesting that too much work cancels, please! No, I still need income; but I will take the occasional one or two hour job cancelation to allow me to catch up with my writing for those times, like yesterday, when I only squeezed out 200 words. Sadly. I love my work!)
So, here I am, procrastinating as I eat my multigrain bagel with chevre and tomato, sipping a soy latte and catching you up on what I am doing, from the Bipartisan Cafe.