Sunday, May 27, 2018

Office Space in Natural Light

This is a panoramic photo, so the depth is somewhat distorted. This photo was taken in natural light, which shows the actual colors of the rug, as well as give a better sense of the re-done space. Since this photo, I have updated the curtains, too, which you can see in the second photo. The curtains have a similar pattern to that in the rug. I have some heavier red and white curtains I planned to put up for a second layer, but I'm debating that decision now. For now, I like the light through the windows and, so far, the white curtains are keeping out most of the full southern facing windows heat; we aren't at the pinnacle of the heat yet, although we have had several consecutive days in the 80's. I've been in there at night and it keeps fairly dark, because there is not a street light next to our house. I may want the second, heavier layer on the other side of summer, when it starts getting cold again, to keep the heat in. Bur, for right now, I have these eggy/spiral/rock patterned white curtains.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Nearly There & Submitted

The Room update ; it is ninety percent completed. Still to do: (1) workspace desk organized (currently it still has piles and containers of like objects [paper clips, pushpins, pencils, pens, stones & significant pieces of flotsam, tools], organizer trays to sort and reorganize, etc); (2) the closet full of memories (literally! old journals, old pottery I made, silk scarf blanks, posters, and more); (3) hang the new curtains.

Here is the new rug. The things on the edges will be moved once it relaxes a bit. It had been tightly rolled up for who knows how long. So the chair and shredder and other things are holding down the edges. I know it doesn't look calming in the photo, but it is (to me) and it makes me happy.

Yesterday, I sent out a dystopian short story to a place I believe it fits. I hope they publish it. It is the same story I was going to submit to a contest a few days ago; but I'd overlooked that the midnight deadline was EST, which meant that I missed the deadline by an hour rather than submitting it with two hours left. So yesterday I did a lot of research and then a friend suggested a publication and, yes, I think this story fits there nicely. Will post another update when I find out. Either way, I'm happy to have that story out in the world.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Still Editing and More

I always think I will get more done when I have some down time than I can realistically do. There are many reasons, but I'll start with the most obvious: I think I am SuperDot and overestimate what can be done in a particular period. I also don't always account for the unexpected. The "unexpected" can be something wonderful, and it often is, but it is still outside of what I had planned.

Everything is good. Truly. I'm working on interpreter information packets for next season, which is an exciting and interesting process. I have been working with an editor on a piece I submitted for publication - they are interested but there are some edits; I just finished round three this morning (the editor is wonderful and her feedback is helpful). And I am still working on manuscript edits - the by-hand edits, which are time-consuming but a necessary and important part of my manuscript process; I catch some things I wouldn't on the screen and some of the rewrites have to be done by hand because there is no way for me to do what I do on the screen and have it accessible for me. I think I just hit the halfway mark on the hand edits.

So, before I tackle another level of a very messy and time consuming project, I will share this.

Where I am remembering being, in this mental and physical space:

Where I am actually and the task I am tackling:

and this second task, which I may or may not get to today

It's all good and necessary.
