But between observations and the first appointment, there just happened to be one of my favorite hangout places with wifi and *bubble tea* - yum. And they have a couple (sometimes three but there is often one not working) computers for customers to use. Which is great, because I didn't have my laptop.
So I had a hot matcha green milk tea with boba, and an egg & cheese bagel and I typed furiously for the 20 or so minutes I had. And I got a little bit accomplished today - but less than I would have liked.
And I'm still ahead.
New word count as of tonight - and I doubt there will be more -
And a big congratulations to both Deb and Jenny who are writing like typing demons, too. See, Deb has been sick for a few days so missed a huge chunk of writing time; and she had surgery before that, so missed some time - but when she has time she is one amazing speeding demon at the keyboard. And Jenny, well, Jenny is so awesome. She pretty much keeps up the daily average and then lags a little and then does these amazing sprints! And I've seen just a little of Jenny's writing from this year's novel and it is beautiful. I can't wait to see more of it.
They have also been wonderful supports and the best writing partners. I feel so lucky to have them in my life and to get to spend this year's NaNoJourney with them. We've had a couple of all day writing sessions this time and it was great. I think we should make them happen out of NaNoSeason, too. Yes, I do.
Thank you, Jenny and Deb!