People come and people go and that is life. I know.
I write about real people and fictional people and people in between. People who fit the pop label of hybrid. Is he real or is he creative non-fiction?
And people who drop out of my life show up.
And people important to me, who've helped me get through positive changes, who've nurtured and supported and helped me heal ... well, they have lives, too. Sometimes they move on. And that is right.
And I have feelings about the change. I wish them well. I truly do. And I am grateful for the time we had together.
I found out today that I my massage therapist/Cranial Sacral provider is moving away in a month or so. She is an amazing healer and from what I heard she has an amazing opportunity in the new location. I wish her well and I appreciate the time I was able to have with her. She has incredible skills as a body worker and I learned so much from her, and she introduced me to PICA's T:BA and re-introduced me to my love and body-connection to dance. I can't say enough about what I feel I owe her and all of my gratitude for the years she's been there for me.
And, no, I don't want to start over with someone new. But I will trust her recommendation, as I trusted the person who recommended her to me.
And I will continue writing about my ghosts and their images, about what happened and what probably happened based on what I do know.
There are many types of gratitude. And I want to say thank you to some of the hard times for making me stronger, to the universe for getting me out alive and whole. And a big thank you to Cydney, as well as the other healers and healing partners who've been there for me over the years.
I'm glad I have another month with Cydney and an appointment next week. And I'll try to get in one more.
And I write. Remembering the past. Writing from the present. Finding healing and balance toward the future.