It's been a few days since I wrote a post and each day it gets harder to know what to say.
Each day there has been one more thing - one more decision to make, or a decision challenged, or more alternatives surfaced. Each day has been good and each day has brought something new.
So here I am writing when I should be going to bed because I'll be in the dentist's chair nine hours from now. So I'll make this short.
This is my Friday. No, Wednesday was my Friday; but "today" is the end of my Wednesday because I just got home from work for my "Friday" this week was Wednesday. My "Monday" will be Saturday.
I have a full two days off from other-than-writing work and will, in fact, spend a lot of my weekend time writing.
Finishing the memoir. Yes, this time for sure. Because I have one chapter left to write and one left to type into the computer.
Transitioning from a 90% writing focus on the memoir and back to more fiction.
Transitioning through the final week of teaching this tutoring/practice summer class.
Transitioning to an altered schedule for the inspiring, amazing, awakening, breathing, living experience of PICA's T:BA11 (Time Based Art 2011). Ten days of creativity in all its forms: dance, theater, literature, visual art, spoken word and - yes - this is when Mike Daisey's 24-hour monologue will happen and I Will Be There for all 24 hours. T:BA11 is my Creative Staycation.
Then transitioning to a temporary schedule which was based on the possibility of being accepted to a program to which I applied. From which I withdrew for a number of reasons but I have four or five weeks of work scheduled around that possibility.
And teaching begins.
Then my more regular schedule.
And then it will be NaNoWriMo time! This year I will be attending the Night of Writing Dangerously and I am already confirmed. I will be doing more fundraising for OLL so watch here for links to my fundraising page.
What all of this has to do with writing is that I am making more space in my schedule for writing. I live by a schedule where decisions now don't surface in one area of my life for 6+ weeks out. Change it now; experience it later. And I have experienced - with days like last Saturday's close the drapes and stay in my pajamas all day with some healthy and nutritious foods and snacks, my laptop, fresh kombucha and a good bottle of wine (yes, I did!) - that more time off has a positive effect on my ability to write and my mental and physical health. (About time, I know.) Also, as I've written here previously, that writing begets more writing and more ideas presenting themselves in the world. No; there are not more ideas presenting themselves, but I recognize and remember or write down the ideas as they come - I don't push them away or overlook them in the rush to get somewhere or the crawl to alertness going from one appointment to the next.
So no nice Monday through Friday, 9-5 hours for me - but this topsy turvy period is productive and has purpose. And I have to wade through just a little more muck to walk out on the other shore.