How fitting that the final Razor's Edge of 2010 is the final day of 2010. There are so many resolutions and look-back-at-your-year and what-was-what-will-be resources that I don't really want to go there. But I can't also deny that this is a transition from 2010 to 2011. And that Mercury has just started its return to its normal projectory speed (albeit, still in its shadow period for a couple weeks).A time of change and a time to review and a time to renew or recharge.
Yes, this cannot be denied.
And my own life of late is an example for me that it is a period or transition - which is not a negative thing; it just is.
So I won't provide another list to complete. A wants or needs or desires inventory. There are plenty of those all across the 'net, in our email inboxes, in the postal mailboxes and magazines. You can easily find something to fit your tastes.
For this week's Razor's Edge, I want to return to my original intention for this weekly posting. Which is to bring together pieces from the edge of experience, maybe something new, something challenging, something surprising, and maybe delightful. Something to bring some part of you alive, which hopefully brings out a response in some creative form. Where you see the word "write" - think "create," or dance, or build, or draw ... whatever is your creative passion. Because my intent is, as always, to inspire creativity. Creativity as expression of the inner vision, desire, hope, or whatever it is you have to say. And my primary outlet is currently writing - my area of expression. So I often find myself saying "write" and what I mean is "create."
Yes. Create.
Below are some prompts to touch different senses. Pick one or two or all. And create.
The music prompt can stand on its own. It's about seven minutes long - and, for me, is inspiring while listening. You may choose to start writing while you listen - or listen, let it sink in, then write.
The visual/video prompt can also stand on its own. It's a snow meditation video. As with the music - you might feel inspired to start creating during the video or wait until it's done, then write. Or watch the video while listening to the music prompt. The two of them go together really well; but the visual prompt is only about five minutes long.
Then there is a word prompt. Combine it with either of the other two prompts or use it on its own.
Blessings for the transition into a new year and best wishes for everything good in the coming year.
As the essence of her drifted
into the room,
I could see ...
into the room,
I could see ...