Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Rejection is all a Part of the Game" by Greg Herren

A nice article showed up in my blog reader today, from Lamba Literary. The beginning of the article is below - just click on the title to be transported to read the rest of it. It's worth the click.

On Not Taking It Personally
Rejection. There’s nothing worse than experiencing rejection in any aspect of your life. That hottie you want won’t even look at you. The promotion you’ve worked your ass for went to someone else. And your brilliant story, with its vivid characterizations, setting and beautiful use of language, has been turned down by every single place you’ve submitted it to. Rejection after rejection after rejection; how do you keep your dreams of being published alive when you keep getting those damned form rejection letters?

It’s incredibly easy to say that one should just shrug and keep plugging away and not take rejection personally. But the rejections you get from writing should not be taken personally. Yes, you pour your soul into your writing; there’s no question of that. You get your inspiration from within yourself; the characters and story come from your mind, and the words are yours.

But having the story rejected is not a rejection of YOU. ...