...posted from BroadArts' email flyer...
Your favorite local social action theatre comedy and music company, BroadArts Theatre, and our roving band of musicians, the BroadBand, invite you to two (or three) free performances this week.
Thursday night Sept 11 at 7 pm, we're producing a Community Peace Sing-Along concert, sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi church in Portland, and Saturday we're making our 5th live appearance at the Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair, in Esther Short Park in downtown 'Couv, on the main stage, from 1-1:30 pm. http://www.vancouverpeaceandjusticefair.org/
Both performances are free and details are below, and on our web site at www.broadarts.org
{And we may be appearing at the ReDirect Guides' Green Sprouts Festival, also Saturday Sept 13, from 3:15-4 pm. http://www.redirectguide.com/PDX/Index.htm}
In October, look for our series of Art into Action Salons, supported by a grant from the City of Portland Vision Into Action project and the Multnomah Co. Cultural Coalition of the Oregon Cultural Trust. These 5 salons, one in each quadrant of Portland, are free to attend, and will feature extraordinary women and organizations who are working to create the best possible Portland we can. You might have attended our performances two summers ago, IF I WERE THE QUEEN OF THIS FOREST, where you were invited to tell the city what kind of future we value for Portland. You, along with 16,999 other Portland residents responded, and the city embraced your Vision into the City- Council- approved Portland 2030 plan: A Vision for the Future.
Now it's your turn to make that vision real and active. Check our web site for locations, times, speakers and special guests. BroadArts Theatre is excited to dance down the aisle of our collective future with you, at our Vision Into Action Art in Action Salons! You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll meet amazing women! And you might even win a door prize! Woohoo!
BroadArts is looking for a few good women and men to join us in creating the most exciting and inclusive Salon evenings of theatre/ music/ comedy ever! If you are interested in helping to co-create the Art Into Action Salons, have skills and time to offer, and would like to help BroadArts Theatre CHANGE THE WORLD, ONE JOKE AT A TIME, then come and play with us! Call me! linda...
A Community Peace Concert Sing-Along
(no charge)
St Francis Church (corner of SE 12th and Pine streets)
Thursday 9/11 at 7:00 pm
(no charge)
St Francis Church (corner of SE 12th and Pine streets)
Thursday 9/11 at 7:00 pm
Seven years after the tragedy of September 11
we are embroiled in a never ending war.
Come and renew your commitment to peacemaking
and justice with other peaceful people
For More Information call 503-232-5880
Sponsored by St. Francis Church in conjunction with
BroadArts Theatre