Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Creativity: Sound Artist Christine Sun Kim

I was introduced to the work of this artist, Christine Sun Kim (CK), a couple of years ago. It was in a film about an earlier sound art project she was working on. I loved her exploration of her world, and the various ways she made sound visible, with speakers and paint and object and electricity.

Recently, someone else I know posted a video about this artist's work - a newer project. More work with sound and I was intrigued by the headline of the ArtBeat article about CK, how she is exploring "the social rules of sound."

Oh, did I mention that CK is Deaf?

Below are three videos of her talking about her work and showing her work. You can read the PBS/ArtBeat article by clicking the linked title, Deaf since birth, artist Christine Sun Kim explores the social rules of sound.

With the heightened activity of theatrical involvement right now, writing is riding in the back seat. It's not gone, but writing has been confined to composing work and related emails, to promoting productions I'm involved with, and so on. And to editing. It has been interesting that while my writing new material is on hold during this period, I have been able to complete a couple of major rewrites of pieces I've struggled with for a while. It makes sense. The theatrical work I've been doing is analytical and conceptual and focuses on language use at multiple levels. So it makes sense that my brain is already in that re-vision and editing mode.

That also explains why I am also looking more at general, cross mode, creativity rather than specific writing information right now. Although I have added another book to my To Be Read stack of writing books.

I enjoy CK's work, her process. And she is a great example of how we can remain creatively open, be curious, and explore the world and our creative work in our own unique way.
