Okay. If you've been following my posts for more than a few months, you've probably seen that I like a writing challenge. Today I discovered a new challenge, thanks to a fellow Wayward Writer from Ariel Gore's Literary Kitchen. Rocky Hatley posted about a challenge he's undertaking, the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I had to follow up on this new adventure.
In the past, I've done the NaPoWriMo - National Poetry Writing Month. I did that a couple of years in a row. I also did a Small Stones one year - writing micro fiction sensory pieces on a daily basis.
This year, I didn't plan on doing a writing challenge in April. But then this opportunity appeared and, so, I will! The timing is great because I needed a writing boost from somewhere. I've gotten a little bogged down in editing the memoir, which is beginning to feel like a never ending bowl of spaghetti, plus doing feedback for other writers - which I love doing - and doing more correspondence and proposal type of writing.
I needed a little virtual kick in the butt to get my fingers working on new material. (Which I hope will also help me with motivation to get more writing out into the world. That's a topic for another day: how writing new pieces helps propel me to submit more. Maybe I can work that topic into the A to Z challenge. Hmm.)
There are a few rules, but not many and they're simple. Write a blog post every day except Sunday and have the topics go in alphabetical order - the "topic" is flexible - but somehow, each letter of the alphabet must be incorporated; see the website for examples.. Simple, right? Click on their banner above to see more information and sign up yourself!
This is just the level of challenge I can handle right now and it's perfect. Simple motivation and letting loose a little. Yes.