Yikes. Do we always have to do more better faster in a microsecond? I read the phrase "time poverty" on the website Slow Movement and knew I had to write something about the need for speed, even if I wasn't ready to delve deeply.
I have much more to say on this topic. But, for now, three writing prompts and some music to go with them. I was poking around for music to counteract or help transition from the hectic to the contemplative. I discovered the Jeff Ball Band, which is Native American flute, hang drums, and guitar. I'm inserting one YouTube video and a couple of click and go links.

* If I had one more hour in each day ...*
* The morning air along the river ...*
* She decided to blow off all her appointments that day ...*
More music from the Jeff Ball Band:
Ancestors in Daguerreotype
Improv by Jeff Ball & Ted Natale
Lost on MySpace