We traveled through eight states in thirteen days, we looked at art and met up with family and friends. We had six days in a row where we could wake up on our own schedule, no alarms. We took in the sky. So much sky and light and, for a while, time. What seemed like so much time when we arrived at the second part of our trip, Taos NM, became so little time left and so much to do. It all worked out and isn't that often the way with a trip? At the beginning the time stretches into a far away horizon, but at the end it seems not much was actually accomplished and so much might be missed.
Wait. Rewrite that narrative. One goal of this trip was rest, relax, rejuvenate.
It was a success.
We also had some wonderful discussions, saw beautiful art. And the sky! Did I mention the sky? Here, let me show you.
Creative inspiration in the form of an expanse of blue, clouds, openness.