I always think I will get more done when I have some down time than I can realistically do. There are many reasons, but I'll start with the most obvious: I think I am SuperDot and overestimate what can be done in a particular period. I also don't always account for the unexpected. The "unexpected" can be something wonderful, and it often is, but it is still outside of what I had planned.Everything is good. Truly. I'm working on interpreter information packets for next season, which is an exciting and interesting process. I have been working with an editor on a piece I submitted for publication - they are interested but there are some edits; I just finished round three this morning (the editor is wonderful and her feedback is helpful). And I am still working on manuscript edits - the by-hand edits, which are time-consuming but a necessary and important part of my manuscript process; I catch some things I wouldn't on the screen and some of the rewrites have to be done by hand because there is no way for me to do what I do on the screen and have it accessible for me. I think I just hit the halfway mark on the hand edits.
So, before I tackle another level of a very messy and time consuming project, I will share this.
Where I am remembering being, in this mental and physical space:
Where I am actually and the task I am tackling:
and this second task, which I may or may not get to today
It's all good and necessary.