Today I :
- did my laundry
- sorted and emptied my office trash
- took out all the trash
- took out the recylcling
- emptied the dishwasher
- made the bed
- cleaned the coffee maker then made coffee
- strained the kefir
- concocted a new kefir flavor (ginger curry with vanilla)
- and am going to do an hour of exercise.
Next? Shower!
Writing? I will get to it.
Writing procastination. Don't make it a habit. But from time to time it helps me complete a few things on my chore list.
I will write today.
I will.
And maybe calling it procrastination is not the most appropriate label. The tuth is that everything on the list was - is almost always - in competition. With having a whole day off (not even a rehearsal), those things need attention, too. And today the other things came in first for completion.
Procrastination? Yes and no.